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Iona's School Visit & Rice Field Walk

sunny 28 °C

Today we decided that as Iona was going to school we would take her and visit the school at the same time … We still woke up at 7 to see the boats coming back from fishing but there were none… I am unsure as to why but the waves were strong.
We set off at 8.30 to go to the school and arrived at 9.

The teachers were very nice and spoke to us about the classes, the different grades and the funding issues they encoiunter when teaching in small villages … The kids were all very sweet and we took a couple of pictures… They have 2 stalls in the school to sell breakfast to the children as well as drinks and sweets .. I guess the censoring of unhealthy food has not yet reached Bali… The classes have 20 kids max and they have school between 9 and 12 for small grades. The kids have allocated cleaning jobs and they sweep and mop the tiles..

The teachers were very kind and offered us a drink… We left the school just after the class started and made our way to the most famous rice fields in Bali between Culik and Barang… We stopped at a warung and then found our own way through the rice fields… the kids really enjoyed the walk evne though we got bitten by red ants and fell in the mud a few times but it was all fun…

Posted by ealonso 21:55 Archived in Indonesia

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